The Clark Family

Clark family, patients at Magnificat Family Medicine clinic in Indianapolis, IN

Before choosing Magnificat, I wanted a doctor who was empathetic with my needs. Someone who was kind to me and my babies and someone I could depend on. I had a bad experience with my OB with my first pregnancy but I’ve heard so many wonderful things about the staff at Magnificat and their respect for holistic care that I had to try them and I’m so glad I did.

I originally searched for a new medical provider because I was pregnant and I desired a new provider for my kids as well who respected my choices as a parent.

My favorite thing about Magnificat is the staff! They are all so kind and welcoming. My kids adore Lindsay and Dr. Amber and always make us feel warm when we visit.

I am happy to have a healthy family. I have confidence in my health choices as a mother and I’m so happy to have found Magnificat and the care they give to my family.


The Jacoby Family