The Turner Family

photo of the Turner Family, patients at Magnificat Family Medicine clinic in Indianapolis, IN

I have always desired to be heard, understood and reassured in regards to any of my questions or concerns regarding my health or my son’s. My experience with Magnificat has always been above and beyond that!

I came to Magnificat looking for a Christ-focused OB that practiced NFP! After finding out I was pregnant, I was unaware I had very low progesterone and Dr. Delcoco caught it right in time. I was immediately given the correct treatment and Magnificat TRULY saved my little one!

I was recommended to do weekly doses of Progesterone throughout my pregnancy, as well as coming in every few weeks to follow up with my levels to assure I was doing well. The quality of care throughout my pregnancy and afterwards has been above what I could have ever hoped for! The communication between me and Magnificat was very thorough during all of the pregnancy and I have always felt that myself and my child were truly cared for.

My favorite thing about Magnificat is the true presence of Christ when I am in the office or even just talking over the phone! I have always felt comforted and cared for and truly trust that my child is in safe hands! I can’t even put into words how much Magnificat has done for my family and I, and how so very thankful I am for all of the wonderful women that work there!

Life now after pregnancy (thankfully) includes the standard visits for my little one as he grows and I love visiting and seeing everyone in the office! It’s always a joy to be recognized and welcomed every time there’s a visit. Thank you Magnificat for all you have done especially for me and my incredibly happy and healthy baby boy!! God surely has blessed us with you all!


Matt & Erin


The Gresh Family